""" folksonomy.py Reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Folksonomy Quick Guide to Installing Folksonomy: http://www.timfanelli.com/item/folksonomy_update Folksonomy infers relationships between your tags and entries by locating entries with the same tags, providing navigation links through your site based on how your entries are tagged. Tagging your entries is simple, you just have to add a "tags" element to your entry's metadata section. A typical entry will then looks like this: My Entry Title #tags apples,oranges,orangatangues This is my post about apples oranges and orangatangues. Your entry is then tagged with those three things, apples, oranges, and orangatangues. Folksonomy populates three template variables, $tags, $relatedtags and $relatedstores, for use in your story template. Adding $tags to your story template will create links to your tags. The links are somewhat customizable, using the following config entries: py['tag_url'] py['pretext'] py['posttext'] py['tagsep'] The default tag_url should be set to http://yoursite/tags/, but you can also set it to something like http://technorati.com/tags/. Please make sure to have the trailing slash. The pretext and posttext will appear on your webpage surrounding your tags and tagsep will note what to seperate the tags by. So, for example, if I have py['pretext'] = 'Tags: ' py['posttext'] = '' py['tagsep'] = ', ' Then it would appear like: Tags: biking, pennsylvania $relatedtags and $relatedstories will only be populated when there's a single entry in the page contents (e.g., you're viewing a story through it's permalink). $relatedtags and $relatedstories contain links to search that tag or view that story respectively. Tags are considered to be related if there is a story that is shared between those tags. Relationships are weighted based on how many stories are shared between them. The related tags is a set of the top two related tags to each tag in your story. Related stories are the two most recent stories from each related tag. Folksonomy also creates tag clouds, stored in $tagcloud and $populartagcloud, which provide visual representations of your blog's subject matter, and navigational links into the tags. $populartagcloud is a rebalanced subset of $tagcloud, containing only those tags which are ranked at least a "medium" in the full tagcloud. To use related stories or tags, simply add $relatedstories or $relatedtags to your flavour's story template. You can customize it's appearance by defining #relatedstores { } in your CSS. To use the tagcloud, simply add either $tagcloud or $popular tagcloud to your flavour in a location of your choice, and then define the following in your CSS: .smallestTag { font-size=10px; } .smallTag { font-size=11px; } .mediumTag { font-size=12px; } .bigTag { font-size=13px; } .biggestTag { font-size=14px; } .hugeTag { font-size=15px; } .hugestTag { font-size=16px; } .mostHugeTag { font-size=17px; } #tagcloud { } Customized for your site, of course. NOTE: As of 1.1.0, Folksonomy swallowed up my tag cloud plugin. Tag cloud will be maintained independantly, however it is no longer necessary to install it if you are using Folksonomy. Folksonomy and TagCloud will be kept in sync, and interchangeable as far as TagCloud functionality is concerned. Folksonomy 1.1.0 contains all the functionality of Tag Cloud 1.3.1 NOTE: As of 1.2.0, Folksonomy no longer depends on Joe Topjian's Tags plugin. Folksonomy is now interchangable with Tags as far as basic tagging functionality is concerned. If you install this version of Folksonomy, you may safely remove Joe's Tags plugin. This was done because I was making frequent changes to Joe's plugin to support Folksonomy, and I didn't want to have to keep bombarding him with change requests for Folksonomy to work. Folksonomy 1.2.0 contains all the functionality of Tags version "200510242045 TCF" Folksonomy 1.3.0 fixes has a complete rewrite of the algorithm to choose related stories. Related stories are now ordered by how many tags they share with the story being viewed. Folksonomy 1.4 Introduces forced relationships for entries. This is extremely useful is you're writing a series of a posts that share tags with other not-as-strongly-related entries, of if you always want a story to show certain relationships that do not change over time. To force a relationship to another entry, add a related tag to your story's metadata section with a comma-separated list of entries, like so: #related category/filename So if I have a post that I want to be related to "myotherpost.txt" in the "general" category, I would add: #related general/myotherpost.txt Folksonomy 1.4.1 This is just a bugfix release that fixes the createFolksonomy function to actually produce a proper folksonomy table no other functionality got added. """ __author__ = 'Timothy C. Fanelli ' __version__ = '1.4.1' __url__ = 'http://www.timfanelli.com' # Variables import os, re, sys, string from Pyblosxom import entries def cb_start(args): """ Initializes the entrymap and folksonomy tables. """ request = args['request'] config = request.getConfiguration() data = request.getData() entrymap = {} maxcount = 0; ignoretags = [] if config.has_key('ignore_tags'): ignoretags = config['ignore_tags'] if not config.has_key('tag_url'): config['tag_url'] = "%s%s" % (config['base_url'],'tags') if not config.has_key('tag_url_display'): config['tag_url_display'] = config['tag_url'] ignoredirectories = config[ 'ignore_directories' ] tagfileswithext = [ "txt" ] if config.has_key( 'taggable_files' ): tagfileswithext = config[ 'taggable_files' ] for root,dirs,files in os.walk( config['datadir'] ): for file in files: #m = re.compile('.*\.([^.]+)$').search(file) #if ( not m ) or ( not m.group(1) in tagfileswithext ): if not os.path.splitext(file)[1].strip('.') in tagfileswithext: continue entry_location = root + "/" + file directory = os.path.dirname(entry_location) if ( os.path.split( directory )[1] in ignoredirectories ): continue contents = open(entry_location,'r').read() m = re.compile( '\n#tags\s*(.*)\n' ).search(contents) if m: tagstring = m.group(1) tags = tagstring.split(',') first = True for tag in tags: if ( tag in ignoretags ): continue if not tag in entrymap.keys(): entrymap[tag] = [] entrymap[tag].append( entry_location ) maxcount = max( maxcount, len(entrymap[tag]) ) else: if not "untagged" in entrymap.keys(): entrymap["untagged"] = [] entrymap["untagged"].append( entry_location ) data['entrytagmap'] = entrymap mincount = maxcount for tag in entrymap.keys(): mincount = min( mincount, min( mincount, len( entrymap[tag] ) ) ) sortedtags = entrymap.keys() sortedtags.sort() data['sortedtags'] = sortedtags data['folksonomy'] = createFolksonomy( entrymap ) data["tagcloud"] = createTagCloud( config, entrymap, mincount, maxcount ) data["populartagcloud"] = createPopularTagCloud( config, entrymap, mincount, maxcount ) def cb_story(args): entry = args['entry'] request = args['request'] data = request.getData() config = request.getConfiguration() if not entry.has_key('tags'): return # If we're showing more than one story, the do not populate relatedtags and relatedstories. renderer = args['renderer'] if ( len(renderer.getContent()) == 1 ): relatedtags = getRelatedTags( entry, data, config ) if relatedtags: entry['relatedtags'] = relatedtags relatedstories = getRelatedStories( entry, request, data, config ) if relatedstories: entry['relatedstories'] = relatedstories # Set the story tags and rss categories entry.setMetadata('rawtags', entry.getMetadata('tags')) storytags = "%s%s%s" % ( config['pretext'], config['tagsep'].join( [ "" % ( config['tag_url'],tag,tag ) for tag in entry.getMetadata('tags').split(',') ] ), config['posttext'] ) entry.setMetadata('rsscategories', "".join( ['%s' % tag for tag in entry.getMetadata('tags').split(',')])) entry.setMetadata('tags', storytags) return args['template'] def getEntryTitle( entry ): entry.getData() return entry['title'] def getRelatedStories( entry, request, data, config ): """ returns the set of stories that share tags with one or more tags in entry, sorted by decreasing order of number of shared tags. """ ignoretags = config['ignore_tags'] related = {} tags = entry.getMetadata('tags').split(',') for tag in tags: if tag in ignoretags: continue tmp = _getrelatedstories( tag,data ) if tmp: for relationship in tmp: tag = relationship[0] stories = relationship[1] for story in stories: if related.has_key( story ): related[story] = (related[story][0] + 1, story) else: related[story] = (1,story) # Read force-related from meta. myentries = [] if entry.has_key('related'): forcerelated = entry.getMetadata('related').split(',') myentries = [ os.path.join( config['datadir'], location ) for location in forcerelated ] if related: related = related.values() related.sort() related.reverse() myentries.extend( [ r[1] for r in related ] ) myentries = myentries[ : min( len(myentries), 6 ) ] if myentries: relatedstories = "" for entry_location in myentries: tmpentry = entries.fileentry.FileEntry(request, entry_location, data['root_datadir']) tmpentry.getData() if tmpentry._filename == entry._filename: continue relatedstories = "%s\n%s
" % (relatedstories, "%s" % (config['base_url'],tmpentry['absolute_path'],tmpentry['fn'], getEntryTitle(tmpentry))) if relatedstories: return "" % ( config['relatedstories_header'], relatedstories ) def _getrelatedstories( tag, data ): """ Returns the set of tuples (tag,sharedstories) that share stories with the specified tag sorted in decreasing order of number of shared stories. """ sortedtags = data['sortedtags'] folksonomy = data['folksonomy'] if ( not tag in sortedtags ): return [] tagindex = sortedtags.index(tag) relationship = [] for t in sortedtags: entries = [] position = sortedtags.index(t) if ( tagindex <= position ): entries = folksonomy[position][tagindex] elif ( tagindex > position ): entries = folksonomy[tagindex][position] if entries: relationship.append( (len(entries), entries, t ) ) relationship.sort() relationship.reverse() return [ (r[2],r[1]) for r in relationship ] def getRelatedTags( entry, data, config ): """ returns the set of tags that share at least 2 stories with one or more tags in entry. """ ignoretags = config['ignore_tags'] related = [] tags = entry.getMetadata('tags').split(',') for tag in tags: if tag in ignoretags: continue tmp = _getrelatedtags( tag, data ) if ( tmp ): related.extend(tmp) related.sort() related.reverse() related = [ x[1] for x in related if x[0] > 1 ] taglinks = "
" % ( "related tags: ", ", ".join( ['' % (config['tag_url'],tag,tag) for tag in related] ) ) return related def _getrelatedtags( tag, data ): """ Returns the set of tuples (sharedentries,tag) that share stories with the specified tag, sorted in decreasing order of number of entries shared. """ sortedtags = data['sortedtags'] folksonomy = data['folksonomy'] if ( not tag in sortedtags ): print >>sys.stderr, 'ERROR: ' + tag + ' not in sortedtags.' return [] tagindex = sortedtags.index(tag) relationship = [] for t in sortedtags: entries = [] position = sortedtags.index(t) if ( tagindex <= position ): entries = folksonomy[position][tagindex] elif ( tagindex > position ): entries = folksonomy[tagindex][position] if entries: relationship.append( ( len(entries), t ) ) relationship.sort() relationship.reverse() return relationship """ Given tags [ A, B, C, D, E ] with entries T(A), T(B), T(C), T(D), and T(E) respectively, build table folksonomy: | A B C D E --+------------------------------------------ A | T(A) T(AB) T(AC) T(AD) T(AE) | B | - T(B) T(BC) T(BD) T(BE) | C | - - T(C) T(CD) T(CE) | D | - - - T(D) T(DE) | E | - - - - T(E) Such that for any tag x and any tag y, folksonomy[x,y] = set of entries in x and in y. """ def createFolksonomy( entrymap ): folksonomytable = [] taglist = entrymap.keys() taglist.sort() for y in range( 0, len(taglist) ): for i in range(0,y): # create empty columns folksonomytable.append('EMPTY') for x in range( y, len(taglist) ): folksonomytable.append([]) # create new column if x == y: folksonomytable[x].append( entrymap[ taglist[x] ] ) else: xentries = entrymap[taglist[x]] yentries = entrymap[taglist[y]] xyentries = [] for entry in xentries: if entry in yentries: xyentries.append( entry ) folksonomytable[x].append(xyentries) return folksonomytable def createPopularTagCloud( config, tagcount, mincount, maxcount ): distribution = ( maxcount - mincount ) / 6 popcount = {} popmin = maxcount for tag in tagcount.keys(): count = len( tagcount[tag] ) if ( count > ( mincount + distribution ) ): popcount[tag] = tagcount[tag] popmin = min( popmin, count ) return createTagCloud( config, popcount, popmin, maxcount ) def createTagCloud( config, tagcount, mincount, maxcount ): if tagcount: tagurl = config['tag_url'] if config.has_key('tag_url_display'): tagurl = config['tag_url_display'] tagcloud = [] tagcloud.append("
") distribution = ( maxcount - mincount ) / 6 for tag in tagcount.keys(): size = "mediumTag" if tag != "untagged": if ( len(tagcount[tag]) == maxcount ): size = "mostHugeTag" elif ( len(tagcount[tag]) > ( mincount + ( distribution * 5 ) ) ): size = "hugestTag" elif ( len(tagcount[tag]) > ( mincount + ( distribution * 4 ) ) ): size = "hugeTag" elif ( len(tagcount[tag]) > ( mincount + ( distribution * 3 ) ) ): size = "biggestTag" elif ( len(tagcount[tag]) > ( mincount + ( distribution * 2 ) ) ): size = "bigTag" elif ( len(tagcount[tag]) > ( mincount + distribution ) ): size = "mediumTag" elif ( len(tagcount[tag]) > mincount ): size = "smallTag" elif ( len(tagcount[tag]) == mincount ): size = "smallestTag" tagcloud.append( "%s\n" % ( '%s%s' % ( tagurl,tag ), size, str(len(tagcount[tag])), tag, tag ) ) tagcloud.append("
") result = "".join(tagcloud) return result def cb_filelist(args): request = args['request'] config = request.getConfiguration() data = request.getData() new_files = [ ] m = re.compile(r'^%s' % config['tag_url']).match(data['url']) if m: #tag = re.sub("%s" % config['tag_url'],'',data['url']) (tag,) = re.findall("%s/(\w*)" % (config['tag_url'].rstrip('/'),), data['url']) if tag in data['entrytagmap']: return getEntriesForTag( tag, args ) def getEntriesForTag(tag,args): request = args['request'] config = request.getConfiguration() data = request.getData() new_files = [] entrymap = data['entrytagmap'] for entry_location in entrymap[tag]: tmpentry = entries.fileentry.FileEntry(request, entry_location, data['root_datadir']) new_files.append(( tmpentry._mtime, tmpentry )) if new_files: new_files.sort() new_files.reverse() myentries = [] for myentry in new_files: myentries.append( myentry[1] ) return myentries